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Commercial Production

Jessica has worked hard, studying the ins and outs of commercial production for radio. As well as learning how to productively read scripts with confidence, setting a proper studio tone. She has worked in class to produced some short commercial clips. Jessica handles the voice acting, audio editing, sound effects, editing music sound beds, and the overall ambience. Making her a spectacularly rounded individual with experience in many different fields.

Jessica experimented a lot with this commercial, dipping her toes into full scale audio editing. She enjoyed utilizing the tools on Adobe Audition to manipulate her levels and sound. Creating an interesting commercial with the unique radio like vibe.

Valley View Automotive

Jessica used distinct sound effects to add emphasis to her commercial pitch. She strategically spliced together every clip, editing out any background noise or breath.

Dog Food Commercial

This assignment required Jessica to find her own sound clips and edit them for use. She really got to explore the inner workings of sound effects. Having fun with her script delivering a positive and comforting message.